Indian-American professor, Manoranjan 'Mano' Misra, at University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), has been honoured by the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents for his research works.
'Motherhood, loss, questioning your faith, redemption, the bonds of home.... Whether you're in Swaziland or Breach Candy, these themes are going to pervade every life. You are going to find a connect with something that's so universal.' Novelist Avan Jesia discusses her first novel, Tower, with's Sanaya Dalal.
Indian tennis ace Sania Mirza has called off her engagement to childhood friend Mohammed Sohrab Mirza, citing 'incompatibility'.
India's foremost architect and town planner was renowned as much for his 'breathing' spaces as for his irascible personality
Arthur J Pais profiles this year's Truman Scholars.
Payal Mohanka travelled to Morocco, that magical place where the past and the present don't jostle but instead coexist rather beautifully.
Scientists have paved way for helping humans live longer and healthier by creating baker's yeast capable of living up to 800 yeast years without apparent side-effects.
He stressed the need to 'ignite the minds' and attract the imagination of young students in order to inspire them to make discoveries relevant to the World Space Vision 2050. Kalam called for all space-faring nations to optimise their space capabilities by contributing substantially in technology and resources.
A Bangalore-based online tuition firm had tied up with publisher HarperCollins to provide off-shored tuition facilities to British students.
Three teenage girls have made a brief documentary which shows a much more cheerful side of Afghanisthan's capital, Kabul. It has broken the stereotype of bombed out sites and terror attacks the world associates with this war-ravaged country.
Have you heard of the Burning Man festival? Or the Monkey Buffet festival?
We bring you this excerpt from Shaili Chopra's book, When I was 25.
The Imam has convened a National Conference of Muslims in New Delhi on Saturday, which is being attended by over 300 top Muslim clerics, scholars and religious heads.
Rahul 'Richard'Verma, a partner with the top-notch international law firm in Washington, DC -- Steptoe & Johnson LLP -- who, until recently was the highest-ranking Indian American Congressional aide on Capitol Hill, has been appointed to the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism.
'The question now is how long the exercise in perfection he created will last once his influence isn't there any longer,' says Sunanda K Datta-Ray.
Does your favourite city feature in the list? Find out.
The best option in 2014 is the formation of a non-Congress, non-BJP government based on alternative policies, says CPI-M leader Sitaram Yechury
Amit Mistry, an alumnus of Rice University, has been selected as the Materials Research Society/Optical Society of America Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow for 2008-2009.
Multiple homes, million-dollar art, their very own professional sports teams. Just a few of the ways successful financiers spend their paychecks.
Men and women from mofussil India are buying designerwear either on their laptops or their cellphones.
More architecture firms are offshoring. One California firm found outsourcing helped it cut fees by 30%.
Martin Feldstein, George F Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard University, speaks about the global economic situation.
India-US should further strengthen economic ties.
Antique dealers around the country are getting cannier.
Arthur J Pais writes on a fascinating book that limns Beat poet Allen Ginsberg's attempt to find, in Indian mysticism, an antidote to Western materialism
The grotesque irony is that while Hussein was hanged for killing 148 people, the leaders of the US and its allies won't be tried for killing half-a-million Iraqi children through the post-1991 sanctions, nor for the death of 655,000 Iraqi civilians.
Its products are free. Its work force is largely volunteer. Its meetings are open to anyone. It's a nonprofit body. A look inside Mozilla the maker of Firefox and would-be Microsoft-killer.